Whee. Back from training. Actually going to meet-up with a buyer at Cck at 5.30pm-6pm. But postpone to tmr as the something cropped up for the buyer. (: Bathed & blog now. Today's training was still alright as it started to drizzle while we were running 2 rounds of cross-country. It's tiring luhs. But I managed to slow jog without stopping. Good starting. :D Did some physical stuffs in canteen then each person got to shoot in 20balls at the file shot line. At about 4.30pm, walked to the bus stop with Xiaowei then headed home straight. Tmr morning will be having another lesson of maths bridging but Mr.Siva is not coming. So I suppose many ppl will not turn up tmr. Tmr after bridging, will be giving out flyers together with Yichuin & her bro then to Jurong Spring to have my tution. Can earn another 20bucks tmr! Haha. Currently having cash tight as Vanessa borrowed 35bucks from me! But she's gonna pay 15bucks tmr. :D I'll be rich after this week! :P Looking forward to this coming fri! Lynn asked me to accompany her to buy some stuffs maybe for her prom night? Surprised as O'lv exams are not over yet? I don't know. (: Anyway, happy that I'm able to go out with her this fri! :D Asked Vanessa along as didn't went out together with Lynn for long time. (: Tmr will be a busy day for me. Bridging till 10.50am then got to rush to Jurong East Mrt control station to meet the skinny jeans supplier to pass her the money & the orders. After that maybe having lunch somewhr near there or give flyers for some of the blocks then to lunch & after giving finish, will be off to tution. Got to bring my maths exam paper along for tution teacher to see. :P Guess he will vomit blood after seeing it. Kkays. Shall stop here & rest for tmr's activities. :DDDDDD