Last post before I go Thailand. :D Byes, everybody! Got to miss me. :D Take Care.
♥Tuesday, November 27, 2007
♥Monday, November 26, 2007

I'm going to Thailand in about 9 hours time? Will really miss Sg & many people. Have pack finish my bag. Sighs, I'm excited about the trip yet scared & worry. Hope the whole trip will be safe & sound. & today went out with Baby Monster. Have lots of fun today. Watched Enchanted & the show was funny, dramatic & cute! The squirrel damn cute! :D After show, bought donuts from donuts factory then took Mrt home. (: Ok, shall have an early rest today. Tmr will be an exciting day, I suppose. People, miss me alright? I'll miss you people too. Goodnight & Byeeeee! (:
♥Saturday, November 24, 2007

Whee. I've finally clear the stocks on hand! Damn happy. Well, mum brought me to facial ytd. Were being told to clip up my fringe everytime. So today, I'm a very good girl. I listen to them. I clip up my fringe for the whole day! So refreshing for the whole day. Meet some buyers at Yewtee & Amk for them to collect the skinny jeans & tunics today. Have been coughing all the way in train to Amk. After finishing meeting them, took train back to Yewtee to buy my lunch home. Bought simple lunch home as I'm coughing badly. After eating finish, rested a little while then out to Cck to meet another buyer. Bought some snacks home for mum to eat then headed home. What a boring post for today! Sighs. I'm going to Thailand on tues morning! People, do miss me! Ohgoshhhhh. I've not pack my luggage yet. Not sure of what to bring there. Nvm, shall pack tonight or tmr night. Ohman. I look forward for th Thailand trip! I'm gonna shop like crazy woman with Lynn & Weiqian! Both of them are my shopping mates. :D Cheeeeeers! My mum helped me to change about 150bucks then my dad gave me another 100bucks just in case I spend finish the money. Awww. My cough & flu are really getting bad! Hope it gets better before Thailand trip. & I now offically announce that Yichuin's blog is DEAD! :P
♥Monday, November 19, 2007

Whee. Baby Monster came to my house today. :D Actually the plan was going out but end up slacking at home. Baby Monster use laptop to watch Power Ranger while I watched vcds. I watched The Land Before Time! It's my favourite movie when I was about pri4-6. The dinosaurs damn cute especially Little Foot. :P Both of us were like finding back our childhood memories. Lmao. At about till 4.30pm, both of us are damn hungry so he went out to buy lunch/dinner back to eat. Had stingray too! It's been ages since I ate stingray. Love to eat it lots. :D After eating, I clear the table myself while he kept on slacking on sofa. ): Still say it's girl's job to clear the stuffs. :P I wash all the dishes today by myself! Anyway, I didn't went for training today. My mens getting from bad to worse. Cramps damn pain! During sunday meeting with buyers, the pain was like ohmygod. I can feel that I may faint in anytime when walking. Having cold sweat that day also. Seems really bad luhs. But luckily it may stop tmr. Whee! Then I can go for the next training. Sighs. I'm broke alr. Got to make many transfer plus the 13bucks for chalet. I don't care. I want to claim from Mum! :P Hmmms. & I'm going to stop spending money on useless stuffs. & I'm going to sleep soon! My face going to be ruined if I still don't get enough sleep. Goodnight everybody! :D
♥Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Whoooo. Back to blog after many days of MIA? Haha. There's something wrong with my internet man. Only sometimes I can email ppl & post for my blog. Pek chek sia. Moodless now. So many stuffs to worried. Argh! I'm tired throughout this period. ): So stressed up. Receive bad news today but don't want to describe in here. Feel so disappointed luhs. & today's training was hell. Ran 5k still alright but train from 1pm till 5pm. Isn't it crazy? Run about for 4hrs. Can you believe it. But told coach that I got something on so left around 4.30pm. I don't like to train with juniors man. My life became so miserable when training with them luhs. When coach gave us somesort of mission, we always fail to complete it. Fuck. I hate the feeling of failing the mission he gave luhs. It's like so basic stuffs yet can't complete it? Unlike last year, the team spirit is there. We try to complete the mission he gave. Even though we might fail sometimes but at least we know we tried hard for it luhs. & don't give me attitude alright. I'm so called a straight forward person & I won't hide my expressions/feelings when I really dislike your attitude. Oh please, you didn't do well for training, yet you're giving me attitude? I hate ppl giving me attitude. Won't you feel bad when we failed the mission? But you treat it as nth. Gnd luhs. All of us are training hard but you just don't care & take it for granted? Fuckyou! Bleahs. I have no more eyes to see. Do whatever you want during training. It's just so weird training with them & going to train without sec4s. Don't wish & don't dare to think for the rest of the trainings. It's going to be so hardcore. Sick & tired of every training having punishment for not completing his missions. It's just so scary whenever I see him taking out the stopwatch. But overall still alright luhs. Just so pissed off seeing them like that. Ohgosh. My temper is really getting bad these few days. My relative shld be coming to visit me soon. Like finally uhs, faster come please. I want to enjoy my holidays in thailand. Don't want to ruin my holidays just because of my relative. There's chalet coming on the next month- 26thDec. Going to look forward to it. Tmr going out shopping with Yichuin to get the Tunics stocks & find supplier for Elmo Tee. Many ppl asked me to open the pre-order. So I shall try to look for the Elmo Tee supplier. Girls, wait up for the Elmo Tee pre-order. It may be coming soon.
Ps; I'll miss the sec4s seniors very much. Happy that I've you girls as my seniors. Cheeeers!
♥Monday, November 5, 2007

Initially having training today. But when I woke up, I found out I'm sick. So went back to sleep. Currently having flu, cough & sore throat. Well. Went to make the payment for the skinny jeans orders at Boon Lay then take train to Amk & Cityhall to take the money then back to YewTee to take the jeans. Fast huh. Then took cab home as it's too heavy. After that had dinner at about 6.45pm. Ate Hor Fun as my throat can't swallow rough thing. It will hurt. Tmr having tution then work for tution teacher. Fold flyers. Can earn money. :D Hmmms. Wed will be having self train. Guess I'll just look at their training. After that got to rush home to wash up then out to meet two buyers to collect their skinnies. (: Awww. I feel so terrible now! Can't even breathe properly. It's just terrible to be sick luhs! ): I want to eat donuts! Craving for donuts. Someone promised to buy for me after I recover from sickness. :D Awww! Time for medicine. Byeeeees.
♥Sunday, November 4, 2007

Hohoho. Went out to Amk Hub with mum & dad to have our lunch there as I'm meeting Vanessa & PeiPei at Amk Mrt Station. :D At about 3pm, left to meet both ladies then took train to town. (: Got my topshop tunic changed then walked to Heeren & Cine. Saw a top at Valerie & I'm gonna buy it when I have my pay. :D PeiPei & Vanessa had wanton noodles as their lunch at Heeren. After resting a little, walked to Cine. Went to lv9- e2Max to open a room to play comp & watch dvd as there's nth much to do at town. Jordan finally came after his guitar lesson. Played Audition with PeiPei then had photo session! The moment Jordan arrived, Vanessa kept asking Jordan to take photo with her. It's like for about 1hr plus? PeiPei & me pitied Jordan luhs. After that, PeiPei & I had our photos taken. Will upload it soon. (: At about 9pm, went to Burger King. After that, PeiPei got to go Changi Airport to pick up her sis. Then I took green line home while Jordan took red line with Vanessa. It rained heavily when I'm on the bus luhs. Then mum came to bus stop with umbrella to fetch me home. Washed up & off to sleep.