Laughs. Posting while wondering how many days I've actually MIA. Can't blame me as this year N lv. Really got to mug hard for the coming N lv. It's totally different attitude of the class from last year. We don't even care much about our school work when we are Sec3. But this year, after we knew that many people failed last year's N lv, all of us really buck up. I've notice that like recently if we are tired, we won't be found lying on the table & close our eyes. We are like still sitting up straight but our bodies are rocking around. Miss Lim said that this year, the paper may be more difficult than the last year one as this year is the last year that we'll be using the 3 subjects under 10points function & it's a must to pass English in order to get promoted to Sec5. Sigh. After hearing what Miss Lim said, I'm really very afraid! Although some students who have taken the N lv papers may say that "There's nothing much to worry about. The papers are damn easy.", but it's different now! We're the last batch using this function. I got the feelings that the questions will be much more difficult then others. Seeing Mr. Wong doing the presentations about our subejects percentage are really worse from other batches, really scares me. We're like the worse batch ever. I promised to myself that after my zonel matches are over, I'll pay full attention to my studies as I'll confirm be skipping many lessons when the zonel maches starts. I hope that all of the matches are at the last few matches if not if the match is at the first time slot, I'll got to skip most of the maths lesson. I really don't want to skip lessons especially maths. I cannot afford to miss any of the maths lessons as Mr. Siva will be teaching new stuffs almost everyday. I'll be very lost of how to do & what to do. I may not even able to ask my tution teacher as he's revising the Sec3s maths with us & heard that there might be 1-2 students joining us. Thus, I'll be like no time to ask him my maths homework if I need help & I seriously thinks that once a week of tution is not enough for me! How can I cope like that? I'm now thinking of joining Cassandra's tution class as many people says that that tution centre is awesome & the place is somewhr near my house. Easier for me to travel home after tution & take even lesser time than travelling all the away from Jurong East to Cck. Imagine the time I waste & money for the MRT trips fare. Sigh. I want home tution badly but my mum kept saying it's a waste of money if I home tution & yet I keep failing maths. But she don't even know the stress we face & we not only got to concentrate on only one subject- maths, but many subjects. I'm so sick & tired of explaining it again & again. They tend not to believe that I've really tried my best doing the exams & even if I pass some of my subjects, she'll give the look like "Wow. You manage to pass but not enough.". I know it's definitely not enough but it takes a step & a step to improve slowly. Alright, shall go & do my homework now. May not be going to update maybe till the next fri? I want to concentrate on my studies. Ohya, Mr. Tan have picked the lots alr. He said that it's a good lot. Hope that it really is. Goodbye all. (: