♥Friday, March 28, 2008
♥Wednesday, March 26, 2008
♥Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sky Of Love movie was awesome! It's touching! The sweet couple were loving! Awww. I watched it ytd with Shiya, Deanna & Zhaozu. It was really really nice! So touching & the song was nice. After we went home, we were all crazy about the movie! So I'll change my blog song to the movie song. But there's two! Can't decide on which to put. But I have blogshop & my blog. So I'll put each of the song on the blog. :D Although the movie show was about 2hrs long, you'll cry & laugh at in this time. The show was about romance & the girl named Mika sacrifice for her first love named Hiro. Starting part were all sweet until Mika was pregnant & Hiro's ex-girlfriend named Saki was jealous that she went to confront Mika. Saki didin't know Mika was pregnant & she pushed Mika down the stairs & got miscarriage. At the later part, Hiro had Cancer & he did many things to drive Mika away as he didn't want Mika to sacifice her love & time on him. These 2years, Mika & Hiro still love each other & Hiro is always near Mika looking at her just that Mika didn't notice it. Until one day, Hiro's best friend named Nozomu told Mika that Hiro did all these things to drive Mika away is just because he loves her & didn't want to be hurt by staying beside him. Mika rushed to the hospital to take care of Hiro for the last 3months of live that he left. They are back to the sweet days that they had during the school times & now they are married to each other. But one day, when Mika went to develop the pictures that Hiro took, there's a phone call from the Hiro's sister named Minako saying that Hiro might leave them anytime. Mika called Hiro's handphone by using 3G. That's the touching part! People, do catch the movie! Don't want to type out. :X Watch it & you'll find out the ending part. :D It's really nice. (: I want to watch the movie again! Anw, I've changed my blog song to the movie's one. :D
♥Thursday, March 20, 2008

♥Wednesday, March 12, 2008

♥Tuesday, March 11, 2008
♥Monday, March 10, 2008

March holidays! :D Had been waiting for it so long! It's time to take break as well as buck up on my weaker subjects. Had SS project to do during the holidays. Ohya, before the holidays started, Mr kaan gave us a tough job! He gave us a Geog project on last thursday & demanded us to submit by the next day which is friday. Of course, we were very unhappy about it. But no choice, many of our classmates which were all girls went to bookshop & bought our vanguard sheet after school. As my apartment's printer had no ink ages ago, i'm very angry with Mr Kaan & gave a very 'black' face to all my firends. Actually we intended to go computer lab to print the pictures so that we can proceed with written work at home. But Guan Kiat told us that the school had shifted the printer to another area which I think was staff room? Called mum to buy the printer ink in order for me to do the project. What a waste. Idiot. Went home immediately to search for pictures. & wth, i searched for the suitable pictures for almost 3-4hours! It's damn tough for me to find India's good development! There's simply no good development in India! I pasted the pictures I found on the vanguard sheet then went to sleep. The written work was done on fri during lesson time/recess time & lunch time. Good enough that Ms Goh gave us permission to do our Geog project during her 2 lessons of POA. :D Finally after POA tutorial, I'm done with the written work. Yichuin & me were very shag after that. But I'm very happy about it as I managed to complete it for just one day. :P Only afew of us submited out projects. The rest don't even bother. HAHA! Fyi, the project due date was supposed to be after the one week holidays! We actually able to complete a one week assignment in one day. How crazy he was. :D Anw, will updat the pictures that I took with the project vanguard sheet. {: Alright, there will be Chemistry tutorial tmr! Goodnight! ♥