Don't Be Too Happy When I Thanked & Mention About You. :X :D :P :)
First day of school for the poly students as well as the ITE students. CCK Interchange was packed with many people. Strolled to Lot's Mac. Van saw me strolling towards Mac. She shouted my name thrice but I was listening to songs in my hp. Lol. Chatted & ate our breakfast then took 188 to school. Today's lesson was alright. Nobody to text to. So bored. Anyway I thought I'll be owe-ing Mr.Lo many SS worksheets but surprising no. :D Managed to pass up a SEQ on Northern Ireland on time. Alright, there's nothing much to be happy about. Haha. Yichuin & Alicia kept complain-ing to me that they are in pain because of stomach cramp. They influenced me as I got a little pain afterwards. Lol. Anyway, Mr.Siva was kind enough to let us off early! But end up, when I reach home, no difference at all. -.- Mr.JPL kept giving us comprehension to do! Done half of it in school, shall complete all during the free lessons from wed-fri. :P Many people plan to skip school during these 3days & I'm also wondering if I should too. But during these 3days, there are Chemistry & M.Tongue lessons. Don't feel like skipping both as I like these both lessons most although sometimes M.Tongue lessons do sucks hell lot at times. I'm so eager to know my oral marks! ): Ohman, my table partner will be gone for 3days! How am I going to survive without her. Can't chat with her. Like being isolated in one corner. Alright, I shall stop here since there's someone pestering me to update fast. :D
I Miss You.