Back from facial. Aww, my forehead is screwed up. Tmr's the last day of 2008, a time to remember. Many things happen during this year. All good and bad times to remember. :)
Van, this post is for you, bitch. The best photo I get from your friendster alright. So, don't complain. :) Don't worry about the new student thing-y. Nothing scary. Just 1year there and everything will be fine. We won't have those funny and happy times with you like the past, yes but not everyday. Don't get jealous when I've new friends la, bitch. You're always my best bitch among all. 4years of friendship still going strong right? Anything that's bothering you in that place, call me. :) Any subjects that you're not good with in school, call me and we'll go study together. No more craps with you while going to school together. I'll really miss you a lot... :( Meet you real soon, alright.
Be strong. ♥

Be strong. ♥