2 papers down and left 1 more on thursday! I'm gg to study at home tmr and also change my nails colour :) I've to work tmr evening but thank God it's with Cassy. I'm earning damn little this month and i can't spend anymore! I've to save up for my Aug trip to BKK. I can't wait for my birthday this July and then afew more days, I'm flying to BKK (Y)
♥Tuesday, June 29, 2010
♥Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I'm back from ChurchCamp! I'll upload some of the photos once everyone uploaded it :) I'm having backaches everywhere, abrasion and blue-black on my legs. It's tiring but fun! Thanks to Angelene for keeping our room neat and tidy and also be our human alarm clock. But heartbeat and I kept overslept and missed 1 or 2 morning sessions. Oh, i kept on shitting while I'm in m'sia because of the major amount of junk food we ate everytime when we are hungry. Luckily we did some grocery shopping on the first day once we reached JUSCO at JB. It's super funny that all of the uths just coincidentally met each others at the supermarket busy stocking up tibits, sushi, cookies, juice and etc. Oh, we also saw bigbang's photo printed on water bottle and also camwhore with it hahaha. Heartbeat, Angelene and i went to take neoprints as well. Old school :D
Second day after night session, Angelene's parents drove the three of us to 7/11 to buy something for our mortal and we saw a fun fair with lotsa rides! We went to play one ride which makes us scream our lungs out. And we were the only three that kept on screaming during the ride. The 'tiaktiak' sound during the ride made us scream like mad. We felt like we are gg to drop down during the ride. So scary~~~
Someone make fun of us by putting a huge creature right at the center of our door mat which scares heartbeat and I off when we gg back to change to our SUPERNATURAL tee. We kept screaming like some crazy bimbo. Luckily BenBen and Andre helped us with it and we went to prank on Phelix and Nicholas's room door with that huge creature. Campfire was naise with all awesome performance and cheers except for mine. Failure :( Anyway, we did a lot of jump shots and also cell photos. After the campfire, the uths went swimming at night. We kept playing the slide and monkey in the pool. The slide cause the blue-black on my legs but it's fun!
Okay, overall was a fun trip with BOL. Naisenaisenaise~
♥Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hai :) I loooooooove my current turquoise nails ttm. Oh, and thats my favourite bread hahaha. It's naise yknow. And it's colourful (Y) I'm so excited for my short break to come after tmr. It's my first poly holidays. I seriously think i need a break from school, chill with my babes and the highlight of this month is CC!!!! I can't wait for CC from next friday to monday. (Y) But after that, i'll have to go back to revision for common test after my 2weeks holidays BOOOOOOO (N)