I'm back from BKK and hiberating at home right now. I have yet to pack my new clothes as well as pack for tmr's chalet. I boughttttttttttttt many many stuffs yay! I'm gg to plan the next BKK trip again. Whose in? :)
♥Tuesday, August 10, 2010
♥Friday, August 6, 2010
Okay, i failed to post pictures when i said i'm gg to lol. Anyway, in about 1hr30mins, i'm supposed to wake up and prepare to go Terminal1 but i'm still awake! Last minute getting many songs from friends to update my ipod with new songs so as to not bored myself. Thank god i don't have any paper today if not my bkk trip cui... Alright, i think i'm gg to take a short nap or something before checking what i've to bring and etc! :)
♥Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hihihi it's been very long ever since i last posted pictures. I've tonnes of pictures to post up here but i'm lazy. Sigh, this photo so cui, my skin cui and i look so tired :(
I think i'll upload my birthday celebration photos with uths tmr. Afew only. Oh, i'm so damn happy that i completed every projects for this sem! This week is for us to go school for tips and Q&A session with lecturers. But i'm having physics common test this thursday. I suck at that module cuz... no sem exams only common test hahaha. Studied a little in church just now but took a nap when bel and benben went jogging. Side track, i'm gg BKK this fri morning! OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO REACH BKK AND CHILL SHOP EAT RELAX!